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Israel-Hamas war would ‘probably already been over’ if Trump were president, Sen. Tom Cotton says

The Republican senator from Arkansas says the Israel-Hamas war ‘would have probably already been over’ if Donald Trump were president.

Tom Cotton appeared on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation’ Sunday when he made the remarks. 

‘President Trump said just last night that he would absolutely provide Israel with the weapons they need to finish the job,’ Cotton said. ‘This would have never happened on President Trump. Trump’s watch. It didn’t happen on his watch. And if he were president, this war would have probably already been over with much less civilian suffering in Gaza because he would have backed Israel to the hilt from the beginning.’

Last week, the GOP senator renewed the call to impeach President Biden following reports of aid to Israel being delayed during its war with the terrorist organization Hamas.

A recently passed $95 billion supplemental foreign aid package included roughly $26 billion for both Israel and humanitarian aid for areas including Gaza. The aid was encouraged by the Biden administration, which had proposed it nearly six months prior. 

Cotton suggested that Biden should be impeached for delaying an aid shipment to Israel, which he claimed had to do with the president’s re-election bid as he balances a divided Democratic Party on the Israel war. 

Last month, Cotton called on the Biden administration to deport any foreign student engaging in disruptive demonstrations on college campuses. 

Fox News’ Julia Johnson, Kristine Parks, Liz Friden and Jacqui Heinrich contributed to this report.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

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